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EXERCÍCIOS - Exercício 84

  • (OMINI 2021)

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Bakhtinian Dialogic Concept in Language Learning Process
The relationship between learning and teaching is so much complex. Some studies carried out on language teaching process confirm that learning a language is one of the most serious concerns for human beings. Recently, scholars have used Bakhtinian concepts in language studies because some of Bakhtin's concepts can act as tools to help the teaching process, for instance Bakhtin's concept of dialogue shows how in the process of teaching, the teacher can have communication with his or her students to transform meaning. Furthermore, Bakhtin's concept of dialogue is used to analyze classroom discourses, whereas, teachers control all the learning and teaching activities in the classroom. A classroom with this kind of positive environment will be based on the dialogic model, in contrast to the traditional, predominantly monologic and teacher-centered classrooms where students mostly work individually with authoritative texts.
Adaptado de: SHIRKHANI, Fatemeh; NESARI, ,Ali
Jamali; FEILINEZHAD, Nabieh. Bakhtinian Dialogic Concept in
Language Learning Process. 2015. Procedia : Social and
Behavioral Sciences. p. 510 – 515.

Mark the alternative which better translates the underlined word “ scholars ” to Portuguese in the text context.

A) Doutores/ Doutoras.

B) Estudiosos/Estudiosas.

C) Escolares.

D) Escola.

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