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EXERCÍCIOS - Exercício 74

  • (AMEOSC 2021)

Drones could help create a quantum internet
The quantum internet may be coming to you via drone.
Scientists have now used drones to transmit particles of light, or photons, that share the quantum linkage called entanglement. The photons were sent to two locations a kilometer apart, researchers report in a study to appear.
Entangled quantum particles can retain their interconnected properties even when separated by long distances. Such counterintuitive behavior can be harnessed to allow new types of communication.
Quantum networks made with fiber-optic cables are already beginning to be used. And a quantum satellite can transmit photons across China. Drones could serve as another technology for such networks, with the advantages of being easily movable as well as relatively quick and cheap to deploy.
In the future, fleets of drones could work together to send entangled particles to recipients in a variety of locations.

No texto, “ quick and cheap to deploy” significa:

A) Fácil e rápido de implantar

B) Rápido e caro para implantar.

C) Rápido e barato para implantar

D) Lento e custoso para implantar.

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