
InglêsTradução | translation

EXERCÍCIOS - Exercício 34

  • (FUNRIO 2018)

Mark the correct translation for this text.

O colete salva-vidas foi idealizado para ser utilizado numa situação de emergência ou para dar segurança permanente numa atividade aquática esportiva.

Disponível em: < Geral/normas-para-embarcações-de-esporte-e-recreio>. Acesso em: 22 mar. 2018.

A) The lifevest jacket has been designed to be used in an emergency situation or to provide permanent safety in an aquatic activity sport.

B) The lifejacket has been designed to be used in an emergency situation or to provide permanent security in an aquatic recreational activity.

C) The lifevest has been designed to be used in an emergency situation or to provide permanent safety in a water sport activity.

D) The lifesaver has been designed to be used in an emergency or to provide permanent security in an water recreational activity.

EXERCÍCIOS - Exercício 35

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