InglêsTradução | translation
- (CEV-URCA 2021)
According to Jakobson (1958), there are three categories of translation, they are Interlingual; Intralingual and Intersemiotic. Choose the ONLY alternative which describes the first one.
A) Interlingual translation, or rewording, is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the same language
B) Interlingual translation, or translation proper, is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language
C) Interlingual translation, or transmutation, is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of nonverbal sign systems
D) Interlingual translation, or paraphrase, is the construction of meaning using intersemiotic and intralingual tools
E) Interlingual translation, or semantic field, is the organization of the vocabulary in order.
EXERCÍCIOS - Exercício 84
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