
Engenharia civilPlanejamento e gerenciamento de obras

EXERCÍCIOS - Exercício 50

  • (FCC 2016)

Sobre o planejamento de obras, considere a afirmação abaixo.

Every element of your project incurs a cost. You need to identify all of the planned costs upfront and get them approved by your manager. Then record every expense as it occurs − including people, equipment and materials. Check that your actual expenditure does not exceed your planned expenditure. And if it does, then you need to cut back. If you're running over budget, tell your Project Sponsor early.

Esta afirmação refere-se à

A) Ensure Quality Targets are Set.

B) Resolve Issues Early.

C) Control Scope at the Micro Level.

D) Track Costs and Manage Finances.

E) Time Management is Critical.

EXERCÍCIOS - Exercício 51

Vamos para o Anterior: Exercício 49

Tente Este: Exercício 182

Primeiro: Exercício 1

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