
InglêsEnsino da língua estrangeira inglesa

EXERCÍCIOS - Exercício 52

  • (IDIB 2020)

Which one of the statements that follow is about Vigotsky and Piaget’s contribution?

A) On Vigotsky’s view, the language ability enables the creation of auxiliary instruments in solution of problems, as well as planning resolution strategies even before execution.

B) Piaget says that knowledge is functional. The greater the knowledge is applied to behaviors that accomplish something, the deeper it will be. On the other hand, Vigotsky understood that the continued action of children in the world could transform the basic reflexes of them.

C) Piaget supports the idea of interaction that environment is a fundamental facilitator of the child’s development. He also understands the maturational changes as factors a little significant in the acquisition of knowledge.

D) Piaget explains that for children, signs and words are a form of social contact, primarily. Following this sense, cognitive and communicative functions of language are fundamental in the activities developed by them.

EXERCÍCIOS - Exercício 53

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