
DiversosDiversos (34)

EXERCÍCIOS - Exercício 494

  • (Alternative Concursos 2021)

In relation to Mother Teresa's famous sentence:

I-It´s a sentence in the second conditional.

II-OUR and US are personal pronouns.

III-There is at least one modal verb.

IV-To sweep it´s necessary a hoe.

A) Only I and II are correct.

B) Only II and IV are correct.

C) Ony I, II and IV are correct.

D) Only I and III are correct.

E) Only IV is incorrect.

EXERCÍCIOS - Exercício 495

Vamos para o Anterior: Exercício 493

Tente Este: Exercício 462

Primeiro: Exercício 1

VOLTAR ao índice: Diversos

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