
InglêsEnsino da língua estrangeira inglesa

EXERCÍCIOS - Exercício 94

  • (CEV-URCA 2021)

Currently, one of the most important guidelines, for education, in Brazil, is the BNCC (Base Nacional Comum Curricular). Since 2015, it has been developed by teachers and politicians all over the country, and the English language plays a very important role in this new context. About the topic, mark the alternative which DOES NOT bring a competence for the sixth grade of elementary school in its final years.

A) Interact in situations of oral exchange, showing initiative to use the English language.

B) Collect information from the group, asking and answering about family, friends, school and community.

C) Request clarification in English about what you did not understand and the meaning of unknown words or expressions.

D) Recognize, with the support of cognate words and clues from the discursive context, the subject and the main information in oral texts on familiar themes.

E) Interview colleagues to learn about their life stories.

EXERCÍCIOS - Exercício 95

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