
InglêsVerbos | verbs

EXERCÍCIOS - Exercício 1

  • (Avança SP 2020)

Read the following sentences and complete, respectively, with the appropriate verbs/adjectives.
I. “If something happened, ______ it and propose a fresh start.”
II. “I’m sorry for ______ this out, but you don’t look so good.”
III. “A recent report has ______ that more and more people have been feeling stressed”
IV. “I can’t talk to you because I’m ______ late for work”

A) clarify – pointing – shown – already.

B) fight – showing – shows – yet

C) argue – hiding – showing – just.

D) scream – saying – showed – never.

E) All answers are correct.

EXERCÍCIOS - Exercício 2

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