
Engenharia elétricaMedidas elétricas

EXERCÍCIOS - Exercício 101

  • (NC-UFPR 2019)

A copper conductor has a diameter of 0.6 in. and it is 1200 ft long. Assume that it carries a total DC current of 50 A. Mark the alternative that presents the total resistance of the conductor and how much power is dissipated in the wire.

A) 0.015 ohms – 76.4 W.

B) 0.035 ohms – 86.4 W.

C) 0.055 ohms – 56.4 W.

D) 0.075 ohms – 66.3 W.

E) 0.085 ohms – 46.4 W.

EXERCÍCIOS - Exercício 102

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