InglêsTradução | translation
- (FUNRIO 2018)
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O rayon foi a primeira fibra regenerada feita de polpa de madeira. Ele foi desenvolvido por um químico francês, George Audemars, em 1855, e outras melhorias foram feitas em cima dessa fibra em 1891/92 por químicos ingleses, que descobriram o processo de polimerização da viscose.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 01 mar. 2018.
A) Rayon was the first regenerated fiber made from wood pulp. It was developed by a French chemist, George Audemars, in 1855 and other improvements were made on that fiber in 1891/92 by English chemists who discovered the process of polymerization of viscose.
B) Rayon was the first regenerated fiber made of wood pulp. It was developed by a French chemistry, George Audemars, in 1855 and other improvements were done on that fiber in 1891/92 by English chemistries who discovered the process of polymerization of viscose.
C) Rayon was the first regenerated fiber made from wood pulp. It was developed by a French chemistry, George Audemars, in 1855 and other improvements were made on that fiber in 1891/92 by English chemists which discovered the process of polymerization from viscose.
D) Rayon was the first regenerated fiber made of wood pulp. It was developed by a French chemist, George Audemars, in 1855 and other improvements were made on that fiber in 1891/92 by English chemists that discovered the process of polymerization by viscose.
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