InglêsTradução | translation
- (FUNRIO 2018)
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Conheça o nosso atendimento e saiba quando é a melhor hora para viajar: Gestantes e lactantes têm direito a atendimento preferencial. Por isso, se você estiver nestas condições, solicite o serviço especial no balcão da GOL no aeroporto.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 25 mar. 2018.
A) Learn over the services we provide and when is the best time for travel: Expectant and breastfed mothers are entitled to preferential service. Therefore, if you are an expectant mother, please request preferencial service at a GOL balcony at the airport.
B) Learn about the services we provide and when is the best time to travel: Expectant and nursing mothers are entitled to priority service. Therefore, if you are an expectant mother, please request priority service at a GOL counter at the airport.
C) Learn about the services we provide and when is the best time for travel: Expectant and breastfed mothers are entitled to priority service. Therefore, if you are in this situation, please request priority service at a GOL counter on the airport.
D) Learn over the services we attend and when is the best time to travel: Expectant and breastfeeding mothers are entitled to preferential service. Indeed, if you are in this situation, please request preferential service at a GOL balcony at the airport.
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