InglêsPlural dos substantivos | plural of nouns
- (NUCEPE 2015)
Saint Patrick's Day, also known as The Feast of Saint Patrick, is a traditional holiday celebrated every year on March 17th, the day the patron saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick, died.
Patrick, who was bornin the fourthcentury, lived in the British Isles, a land that had beeninvaded and conquered first by the Romans and then by Germanic tribes. At the age of 16, Patrick was captured and taken as a slavefrom the British Isles to what is now Ireland. He lived there for several years herding sheep. He was a religious boy, and he prayed that he would someday return to his homeland.
Legend has it thatone night while he was praying, a voice toldhim to escape from the farm, and find a ship that was waiting for him in a harbortwo hundred miles aways. Patrick got to the ship, sailed to Europe, and disembarkedin what is now probably France. He ---1--- several of the ship's crew througha dangerous forest, praying all the time. NeitherPatrick nor any member of his crew was captured. When some of the men were about to die of starvation, wild animalsappeared to them to eat. Events suchas these appeared to be miracles and gave riseto later legends surrounding Patrick.
Finally finding his way home, Patrick felt that he was called by God to perform an important mission. He believed it was his duty to go back to Ireland and convert the Celtic people to the Christian Religion.
Patrick arrived in England and became a missionary, traveling from village to village and talking about his faith. Once, several members of a tribe approached Patrick and told him that they found it difficult to understand and believe in the Holy Trinity. Patrick thought a moment, then stooped down and pickedone of the plentiful shamrocksgrowing wild around Ireland. “ Here are three leaves", he said, “yet it is one plant. Imagine the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit as each of these leaves. Here they are, yet they are one plant." The tribesmen understood, because Patrick had used a familiar object to explain. From that time on, the shamrock has been a revered symbol of Ireland.
There are lots of stories about Patrick. One of them is about him forcing snakes out of the entire country of Ireland. Even though there are many different stories about how he accomplished such a task, it is probably not true. Patrick died on March 17th, and the Irish people set aside the dayto mourn.He became the patron saint of Ireland. Mourning turned to commemoratinghim and celebrating his life.
Because ofSaint Patrick, lots of cities around the world with a large population of Irish have parades. Green is one of the national colors of Ireland. Green stripes are painted on the streets where the parade will travel. People wear green shirts, ties, hair ribbons, and hats. There are even pubs which serve green beer on that day.
Saint Patrick's Day was made an official Christian holiday in the early seventeenth century. It is now observed by the Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion, the Eastern Orthodox Church and Lutheran Church. The day commemoratesSaint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland. Not only that, but it also celebrates the heritage and culture of the Irish in general.
Source: adapted from
Na frase, “ Here are three leaves ”, a palavra destacada constitui o plural de um substantivo parte de um grupo, no qual o plural é feito utilizando-se a substituição da terminação “ –f” por “ -ves ”, essa substituição não poderá ser feita na seguinte palavra:
A) Dwarf.
B) Grief.
C) Hoof.
D) Staff.
E) Sheaf.
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