
InglêsInterpretação de texto | reading comprehension

EXERCÍCIOS - Exercício 1

  • (IBFC 2015)

Fill in the blanks with the right group of words.

We are having a fantastic time. Yesterday we spent a day at the beach. I only spent a ____minutes in the sun, because I didn't want to get burnt. However, there were ____ people who were badly burnt, but they carried sunbathing!

In the evening, we went to the disco. There w ere____ people at first but after midnight they all started to arrive. I met a nice girl, but we couldn't talk____because there was____. I hope she is there tonight!

A) Lot of / few / much / hardly any / a lot of

B) Some / few / much / hardly any / a lot of

C) Few / some / hardly any / much / a lot of

D) Much / some / hardly any / a lot of / few

EXERCÍCIOS - Exercício 2

Tente Este: Exercício 6

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